An older active writer session state is being overwritten by a newer session. The most common cause is that the number of parallel backups has exceeded the maximum supported limit. Operation Post. Snapshot Event. Context Maximum supported sessions 6. Completed sessions 8. Active sessions 6. Aborted sessions 0. Writer failed sessions 0. New snaphot set bfceb. Old snapshot set 9. Old operation 1. Old state 5. Old failure 0. Execution Context Writer. Writer Class Id a. Writer Name Sql. Server. Writer. Writer Instance Name SQL Server 2. Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy Service Vss Snapshot Failed To Load' title='Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy Service Vss Snapshot Failed To Load' />SQLWriter. Writer Instance ID f. MSExchange. IS Event ID 9. ESXi and vCenter Server 5 Documentation VMware vSphere ESXi and vCenter Server 5 Documentation VMware vSphere Basics VMware vSphere and Virtualizing the IT. The term Cerber, which is somewhat reminiscent of a scary mythical creatures name, denotes a piece of ransomware that may cause infected people just about as. Exchange VSS Writer instance bfceb. Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy Service Vss Snapshot Failed To Load© 2017