Supported. Version Combinations on Workstation to Access Voice Messages Using Mini Web. Inbox. Supported Operating System. Supported Browser. Windows 1. 0. Internet Explorer. Windows 8. 1. and 6. Standard. Professional. Enterprise. Internet Explorer. Windows 7. and 6. Professional. Enterprise. Ultimate. Internet Explorer. Windows Vista. and 6. Internet Explorer. Mac OS X 1. 0. 7 Lion. Mac OS X 1. 0. 6 Snow. Leopard. 4. 7 You can play audio messages using Quick. Time Player 7. 7. Flash 1. 1 and later. The Java plug in for web browsers relies on the cross platform. NPAPI. In Chrome Version 4. Configuring. Chrome 4. NPAPI plugins. 4. Windows 8. 1 in the Desktop. Mode. Caveats. On Mac OS X The recording. Cisco Call Manager Software Compatibility Matrix Cucm Cluster' title='Cisco Call Manager Software Compatibility Matrix Cucm Cluster' />Mac OS X is supported by telephone record and playback functionality only.